[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Can WD1003-WA2 do 1.44 Meg floppies

stevedak@cpe.UUCP (01/24/91)

>The subject pretty much says it all.  We have had a Western Digital drive
>controller for almost 3 years and recently tried to hook a 1.44M 3.5" floppy
>drive to it.  It doesn't want to treat it as anything other than a 720K
>drive.  Are there ROM upgrades available for this board?  Can a software
>driver be used to correct the problem?  (for obvious reasons, this wouldnt
>permit booting off of a 1.44)

I have been using the same controller with a Sony 1.44 Meg floppy with
no problems for some time now.  The only thing I had to do was update the
CMOS setup memory so my machine would know what kind of drives are 
connected.  I suppose it could also have something to do with the version
or brand of DOS being used.  

Steve Dakin