As I didn't get any answers to my preivious article on the subject, here I go again ! I'm trying to interface a Mouse Systems compatible mouse to non-PC hardware, and as far as I can tell, it emits 5 characters at 1200 baud, 7 bits/char, no parity and 2 stop bits every time it senses a change in status (movement, button press). The first character encodes the state of the buttons, but the rest eludes me. Obviously they encode movement (direction and length), but the coding eludes me. Please, anyone, if you know how to decode it, drop me a letter ! BTW, I would also be interested in the Microsoft serial mouse coding scheme. advTHANKSance / -- Real life: Anders Sjolund Email: Snail mail: Telesoft Telecom AB Phone: +46 18 189409 Box 1218 Fax: +46 18 132039 S - 751 42 Uppsala, Sweden