[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Roland MT32/ Sound Blaster

lebastar@crazy.inria.fr (Franck Lebastard) (01/29/91)

I have a Roland MT32 music card for my ibm pc. This card is not supported by
the most
part of the games. Is it possible to play with my Roland card sounds available
for the soundbaster or the adlib card ?
Thanks for your help

| Franck Lebastard               | e-mail: Franck.Lebastard@crazy.inria.fr |
| INRIA Sophia-Antipolis         | phone: +33 93 65 77 42                  |
| 2004, Route des Lucioles       | fax:   +33 93 65 77 66                  |
| BP 109                         | telex: INRIASA 970 050 F                |
| F-06561 Valbonne Cedex, France |                                         |