[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Windows Terminal Problems

ebergman@isis.cs.du.edu (Eric Bergman-Terrell) (02/12/91)

Have I found a bug in the Windows 3.0 Terminal program?  By default, the
"show scroll bars" feature is enabled (in the Terminal Preferences menu).

I disabled the scroll bars because I need to see 80 columns of text (not 77 
or whatever).  

However, with the scroll bars disabled, the text is still not drawn where the
scroll bars would be if enabled.  When I enable scroll bars and then disable
them again, the text at the scroll bar position reappears!

If the previous two sentences make any sense (?) does someone have a


ebergman@isis.cs.du.edu (Eric Bergman-Terrell) (02/12/91)

The workaround to the Windows 3.0 Terminal "clipping" problem is to select
"132 columns".  I didn't try this at first because I expected to get an
unreadable font.  Not so - same font, text is written all the way to the
right edge of the window, and wraps to the next line if necessary.
