[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Need recent copy of DOS CD-ROM extensions

twc@ys2.uucp (Ted Chan) (02/19/91)

I recently purchased an Amdek CD-ROM drive, but the
DOS CD-ROM extension that came with the drive was an
older version (v2.0) that doesn't work with  DOS 4 and
which also doesn't work with "The Manhole" by Accolade
(requires MSCDEX v2.1 or later).

Naturally, I called Amdek to inquire about an update,
but their phone number here in Silicon Valley has been
disconnected!!!  This is not a good sign....  Anyway,
I'd appreciate any info on how to go about obtaining
an updated copy of MSCDEX (assuming that my drive vendor
has gone belly up).


*  I have found a truly wonderful proof which  |  Standard disclaimer(s)  *
*  this margin is too narrow to contain.       |  UCB Mathematics '83     *
*  Ted W. Chan, Esq.                           |  Email twc@legal.uucp    *
*  Intellectual Property Attorney              |  Voice 408-298-8400      *
*  Censtor Corp.                               |  Data  408-241-8373      *