[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] for sale: DATABANK program for IBM PC.

umbrzez0@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Andrzej Brezezinski) (02/20/91)

                       GENERAL INFORMATION 

  The program DATA BANK consists of the following independent
Each of these modules maintains its own data base. 
In order to choose a module from the MAIN MENU position a
high-lighted bar, using arrow keys, on the desired item and press
RETURN. In the same way you can select functions from other menus. 
In order to return to the previous menu you can always use an ESC
key, or select a Return option from a current menu. 
You can usually use Esc key to undo any changes made in a data
base. Whenever you need help and you see the line : 'Press F1 for
help' at the bottom of the screen, just press F1 key and a help
screen will be displayed. Help is context sensitive, so you will
get different help screen at different points of the program. 
  REMINDER enables you to enter, delete, edit, display and search
information in a calendar. You can enter 10 lines, plus 1 line for
a header, of information per one day. 
You can delete from the calendar one day at a time. If you do not
want to delete all the information for a given day use a function
Modify instead of Delete. 
Each line (out of 10) has 2 special fields : VALID and PERIOD. 
They are used by an accompanying program REMIND, which should be
run every time your computer is turned on (REMIND should be called 
from AUTOEXEC.BAT file). REMIND will search your calendar for a 
valid information. If it finds a line with Y (for YES) in the field
VALID and if a current day is closer to the DATE of this
information than the number of days specified in the field PERIOD,
it will display this line. This means that you will be reminded
automatically about important events as many days in advance as you
specify for each line.
If you will not delete a day, with some information, for 100 days
after its DATE, the program assumes that you want to keep it for
the next year. It will then automatically increment the year of 
DATE by 1 and will set VALID to Y. This way you will be always 
reminded about fixed-date events like birthdays for example. 


  CALENDAR displays one page of a calendar for a current month, so
that you can check which days of a week correspond to specific
dates. You can move through the calendar forward or backward, one
month at a time. A current day is high-lighted. The calendar can
be displayed from the MAIN MENU or from the REMINDER.


  NOTEPAD enables you to store your notes or useful information.
You can create many notepads, giving them meaningful names and then
writing related information on the appropriate notepad. You do not
have to remember the names of your notepads, a list of all notepads
will be displayed on the screen and you will be prompted to select
one using arrow keys. When you select a notepad you can start
writing new information or editing the old notes. 
The NOTEPAD provides you with many text editing capabilities, so
you can think of it as a small text editor.

                           PHONE BOOK

  PHONE BOOK enables you to maintain names, telephone numbers and
addresses of people you deal with. You can display one page, 10
records, at a time, move forward and backward, enter new data,
modify or delete existing records, and search the entire database
for a given name.


  TIMETABLE consists of seven days from Sunday through Saturday.
You can display one day at a time. If you have some fixed
activities during the week you can enter, for each day of the week,
the hours and description of them.

You can get DATABANK by sending money order or cheque for $15.00
to :

     Andrzej Brzezinski
     308-70 Garry St.,
     Winnipeg, Manitoba
     R3C 3J9

Do not forget to enclose your name and address so that I can mail
you a diskette with the program. Also mark if you want 3.5" or
5.25" diskette.
You can also download a demo version of CALCULATOR from ccu.
Its name is /home/student/umbrzez0/calcdemo.exe.
Demo version has all the functions working but the results displayed
are incorrect.