[net.ham-radio] DX info question

rjr@mgweed.UUCP (Bob Roehrig) (09/11/85)

A letter from Lou, K2ANC, has prompted me to post this note regarding
DX contacts.

Outside of the occasional ARRL dx bulletins that I post, there has been
little about DX contacts on the net. From other comments I receive,
I would say there is pretty good interest in DXing. So the question is
should I or someone collect dx station info to be summarized and posted
to the net (weekly)? Or should active dxers each post their own interesting
contacts? Lets's hear some ideas/opinions.


jak@mtunh.UUCP (Jim Kutsch) (09/13/85)

Several of us I'm sure get various DX newsletters and exchange info  via
mail.   If  you,  Bob,  are  willing  to  pick up and post various items
(DXpeditions, stations heard -- freq/time, etc) I for one  would  be  an
avid reader.

73, jim ky2d

wmbr@ulysses.UUCP (William M. Brelsford[WE]) (09/20/85)

> Outside of the occasional ARRL dx bulletins that I post, there has been
> little about DX contacts on the net. From other comments I receive,
> I would say there is pretty good interest in DXing. So the question is
> should I or someone collect dx station info to be summarized and posted
> to the net (weekly)? Or should active dxers each post their own interesting
> contacts? Lets's hear some ideas/opinions.
> Bob K9EUI

I'd like to see more DX information.  Probably one posting every
week or so would be best, with contributions (in ready-to-be-posted form)
by mail to the poster.  Items could include requests for QSL
information (e.g., I currently need OE7RKH/YK's home address)
as well as news on current and future activity.

Thanks for volunteering (?), Bob, and thanks also for
your renewed efforts to post the DX bulletins.

Bill Brelsford  K2DI