[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Putting EGA and VGA cards into Hercules mode

rosenber@lincoln.ac.nz (03/05/91)

I'd like to be able to put the various brands of (non-IBM) EGA cards and 
VGA cards we have here into and out of hercules mode. Anyone know how this 
is done (other than running the manufacturers' setup software)? General 
answers or answers specific to a certain brand would all be helpful.

We have various EGA cards from Prisma (e.g. EGAMAX 480) plus others; we 
have VGA cards from Tseng Labs (EVA/800, ET3000). 

* Bill (W.J.) Rosenberg    *  Phone: (64)(03)252-811, Ext 8010                 *
* Systems Manager          *  Fax:   (64)(03)252-944                           *
* Centre for Computing     *                                                   *
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* Lincoln University       *  Bitnet:   W.Rosenberg%lincoln.ac.nz@relay.cs.net *
* Canterbury               *  Internet: W.Rosenberg@lincoln.ac.nz              *
* New Zealand              *  Pacnet:   (05301)30000047::W.Rosenberg           *