Aamir.Zakaria@samba.acs.unc.edu (Aamir Zakaria) (03/02/91)
Can anyone give me some guidelines as to how to go about programming a TSR for DOS? I'm using Zortech C, though I have access to other compilers. I also have a shareware assembler, though I'm not too experienced with assembly language (I'll learn, if I have to). thanks, Aamir
mcastle@mcs213f.cs.umr.edu (Mike Castle {Nexus}) (03/03/91)
Please don't redirect followup's to 'poster.' RN chokes on it, and I'm sure many others do as well. GOSPEED.ZIP PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL> Sample code to detect if TSR is already loaded NEWTSR1.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL> TSR function for assembly language programmers TSRDEMO.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL> Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM) TSRDEMO2.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL> Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM) DLC-TSR.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.C> TSR interface for Datalight C PCPILOT.ZIP PD1:<MSDOS.C> C programmer's TSR utility, with source TSR-ASM.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.C> C-callable assembler routines to go TSR TSRC.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.C> TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language TESS-5.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0 TESS-A.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM) TESS-C.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x TESS-D.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package TSRSRC29.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> Sources for TSRCOM29 pgms. need TPAS5 & TASM TSRWRK32.ZIP PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL> Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src RESLB201.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.TURBO-C> Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs TCRES201.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.TURBO-C> TSR functions for Turbo C - very good STAY42.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> How to write a TSR program in Turbo Pascal STAYRES.PAS PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> Go TSR in Turbo Pas 3.0 TP-TSR.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> Sample TSR pgm in TurboPas 4/5, with src/exe TPPOP16.ARC PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> TPUs and ASM for popup and TSR programs These are all available at: New Mexico: simtel20.army.mil ( in the directory listed above (PDx:<MSDOS.xxxxx> ) Missouri: wuarchive.wustl.edu ( in mirrors/msdos/xxxxx Australia: sol.deakin.oz.au ( in pub/PC/simtel-20/xxxxx There are several mail servers that will process the ftp commands for those who have access to e-mail, but not FTP. Addresses are: In North America (Simtel20 access only): LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU North Dakota State University. LISTSERV@VM.ECS.RPI.EDU Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In the body of the mail have the command: GET PDGET HELP PCSERV-L Also (any ftp site): BITFTP@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU In the body of the mail have the command: HELP Trickle servers (Simtel20 access only): In Denmark: TRICKLE@DKTC11 In Turkey: TRICKLE@TREARN In Italy: TRICKLE@IMIPOLI In Belgium: TRICKLE@BANUFS11 In Austria: TRICKLE@AWIWUW11 In Germany: TRICKLE@DTUZDV1 In Spain: TRICKLE@EB0UB011 In Israel: TRICKLE@TAUNIVM In Netherlands: TRICKLE@HEARN France: TRICKLE@FRMOP11 Germany: TRICKLE@DB0FUB11 Chile: TRICKLE@USACHVM1 Not sure: TRICKLE@DS0RUS1I (note: these are EARN/BITNET style addresses. Internet users should try BITNET domain addresses such as TRICKLE@TREAN.BITNET) In the body of the mail have the command: /HELP If anyone knows of any other mirrored archives of Simtel20, please let me know and I'll add them to this generic response. Thanks. -- Mike Castle (Nexus) S087891@UMRVMA.UMR.EDU (preferred) | XEDIT: Emacs mcastle@mcs213k.cs.umr.edu (unix mail-YEACH!)| on a REAL Life is like a clock: You can work constantly, and be right | operating all the time, or not work at all, and be right twice a day. | system. :->
stevek@hp-ptp.HP.COM (Steve_Kite) (03/06/91)
There has been a series of articles appearing in 'Computer Shopper' on learning assembly language programming. The latest one is on writing a TSR. The articles are well written and easy to follow. Copies of previous articles can be obtained from the author.