[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Network licence tracking software: HELP!


I work for The Computing Center at Miami University.  We need a program that
will watch the network to make sure no more than the licenced number of copies
of a piece of software are running.  We've heard of two programs that do this:
SITELOCK and TURNSTILE.  If anyone out there has any knowledge or experience
with either these or similar programs, we'd really appreciate the help.
What programs to do this are available?
How well do they work?
What problems are there with this particular peice of software?
And finally, where can you get them?
Anyone who can help please send E-mail if possible.
                                    Damon Milhem
                                  Bitnet DM9HMBI@MIAMIU
                                Internet DM9HMBI@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU