[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] WANTED: info on p.d. bbs's

gt2656b@prism.gatech.EDU (gt2656b / Arrowood, Adam Brett) (03/12/91)

     I am looking for information on public domain bbs's for the pc.
Currently, I don't own a pc, but I am condsidering setting up a public
message base in the Atlanta area (only messages, no file exchanges). 
What I could use is any inforamtion at all on what p.d. bbs's are out
there, where I can find them (mail addresses, names of Atlanta user groups,
or ftp sites with 'em <preferred>), and if they can be easily modified/come
with source code/have extensive script capabilities. Also, specs on system 
requirements would help.
     The application I am considering will need to be EXTREMELY user
friendly and I will probably need to be able to change the set up of the 
program to a large degree. 

     Any info will be greatly appreciated.

email me at: 

adam a

Adam Brett Arrowood             |     {\_{\,     " I'm not a real computer
ICS                             |      { o o__   / programmer, but I play
Georgia Institute of Technology |  |___|     %  /  one on tv." 
gt2656b@prism.gatech.edu        |  /\ /\\__===