[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Windows 3.0/Mouse Systems bus mouse

prove@theory.tn.cornell.edu (Roger Ove) (03/17/91)

I need the new windows mouse driver (msmousc1.drv) for the Mouse
Systems bus mouse.  Tried calling Mouse Systems tech support but
the number must be old (408-988-0211), no answer after letting
it ring for an hour.  Windows 3.0 requires this external driver
for a bus mouse, unlike the serial version which is supported
internally.  The old driver works, but windows can only be run
in real mode with old drivers.  Unfortunately, setting up the bus
card to pretend it is com1 or com2 doesn't work.
   Many thanks in advance to anyone that can provide either:
1) current MSC tech support number
2) phone number for an MSC bbs where current drivers are accessible
   (if such a bbs exists)
3) uuencoded msmousc1.drv driver by email

Roger Ove