[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Super Mouse II/Windows 3.0 bundle: good or bad?

ntaib@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Nur Iskandar Taib) (03/03/91)

Has anyone tried the "Super Mouse II" that is available through 
USA Flex and other mail order places? Is it any good? Compati-
ble with MS Mouse drivers? 

They offer it for a very attractive price: $89, bundled with 
Windows 3.0, and assorted software. 

Would a bus mouse or a serial mouse be better for a 25 or 33 MHz
386? I've heard of people having problems mating serial mice to
fast computers (usually fast 286's, and pardon the pun).


Iskandar Taib                        | The only thing worse than Peach ala
Internet: NTAIB@AQUA.UCS.INDIANA.EDU |    Frog is Frog ala Peach
Bitnet:   NTAIB@IUBACS               !

ntaib@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Nur Iskandar Taib) (03/19/91)

>I haven't tried the "Super Meece II" from USA Flex, but, a check of it's top
>resolution (200dpi? 400dpi?) is in order.

>$89.00 isn't to bad.

>Is it a 3 button or a 2 button meece?  If it's a 2 button, give it to the
>cat to play with.  Just like those MS meeces.

400 dpi and 2 buttons I believe. Like the MS Meese 
you press both to simulate the third (I think). The
Meese looks funny as the buttons are 2/3 the length 
of the meese. 

(I always thought meese was plural for moose.)

Iskandar Taib                        | The only thing worse than Peach ala
Internet: NTAIB@AQUA.UCS.INDIANA.EDU |    Frog is Frog ala Peach
Bitnet:   NTAIB@IUBACS               !