[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Upgrading a 286 slim-line

jamie@dorsai.com (Jamie Lendino) (03/22/91)

   I have a 286-12 slimline case setup.  I'd like to upgrade it
to at least a 386SX-20 w/cache, preferably to a 25 or 33.  I don't
see how I can get at the motherboard to change it.  It's lying
flat at the bottom of the case.  Is it possible to upgrade the
motherboard in a slim-line?
   Also, are there any companies with good reputations for motherboards?
(I'd assume Intel, but I don't know what else figures in).  I'd like
to get a computer that performs at least 28 MHZ for a 386SX-20 Land-
mark speed, and I've seen 58 MHZ on a 386/33 with cache.  How can
I find a motherboard that gives me this speed?
   Finally, what other options are available on upgrading a 286?
I've heard of accelerator cards but rarely seen them.  I've heard
rumors of compatibility problems, but they seem to be a good alternative
at least in theory.

   Of course, all this means I'm still stuck with my small hard
drive and 640x480 VGA... :-)

Thanks in advance for any help offered.  I'll welcome either
mail responses or replies posted on the net.