[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] 4dos aliases were requested...here are some.

ee5391aa@triton.unm.edu (Duke McMullan n5gax) (03/24/91)

In article <39585@netnews.upenn.edu> jrv@gradient.cis.upenn.edu
(JR VanMechelen) writes:

>Anybody have any really clever aliases?

I dunno about "clever", but I find the following pretty useful:

..=cd ..
ATT=attrib *.*
CP=copy /b /v /r
FILES=dir /f /q		Very useful, with redirection, for getting the start-
			  ing point of a batch file to process individually
			  most or all files in a directory.  Accepts arg.s.
HD=attrib +h		HiDe
L=dir /pv4
LL=dir /p
LLL=hdir		hdir is a directory listing verb...& I never use it.
LK=attrib +r		LocK
M=more			PC version of UN*X more verb
MCD=md %1^cd %1		Create a directory; make it the current directory.
MV=move /r
N=c >> \d\txt\notes	These two make a quick & dirty notebook system.  Use
NN=m \d\txt\notes	 	the sequence <^Z><LF> to end the entry mode.
PRNLONG=mode lpt1:,,p	Sets the printer driver to wait forever.
STR=strings %1|m	Like UN*X "strings", but piped through "more".
UHD=attrib -h		UnHiDe
ULK=attrib -r		UnLocK
	The "control" verb is a PC Magazine utility that sends the ASCII equi-
	valent of a (decimal) number to the system printer.  The values ob-
	viosly will vary with the type of printer you have.

EMPHON=control 27,69		Sets emphasized mode.
MARPRINT=control 10,27,64,27,78,6	Assuming the printer is at the top of
					the form, this moves the paper up one
					line, resets the printer, then tells
					it to print sixty lines per page,
					skipping for a nice top-and-bottom
					margin.  Works with Epson LQ-510.
TOF=control 12			Sends printer to Top Of Form.

CIS=keystack "kermit" 13 "c" 13 "atd2558626" 13		Quick and effortless
KK=keystack "kermit" 13 "c" 13 "atd2779992" 13		connection to the
------							remote systems.

	"m" is the alias for "more"; "c" is a "cat" type verb, actually renamed
	rather than aliased...I'd do that with "more", but some other programs
	look for "more", so it causes trouble.  The three files are the regular
	ASCII set (0-127), tabulated in decimal, hexadecimal and octal.  The
	"xascii" file is the same thing with the extended ASCII set (128-255).
	"box" contains a box-oriented display of the extended ASCII characters
	which the PC character set uses for making text-oriented boxes.  In
	the event that some may find those three files useful, a uuencoded ZOO
	archive of the files ascii, box and xascii is appended.

ASCII=m \lib\ascii	Display tables of the standard ASCII character set.
BOX=c \lib\box		Display the extended ASCII characters used for boxes.
XASCII=m \lib\xascii	Display tables of the extended ASCII character set.

DNL=cd \d\dnl	Several commonly-used directories are aliased like this.
	This next runs a public-domain grep (Global Regular Expression Print) 
	verb, ignoring case (-i), on a specific file.  The argument is a
	string, and the output displays all lines which contain *<string>* .
	The file scanned is a club membership list, one total entry per line,
	so it's a quick, handy and dirty way to get info on a certain person
	or set of persons.  (Match 'em by name, zip code, etc.  It's NOT
	particular, however, and if you ask for "john", you get John, Johns,
	Longjohn, Johnson, Johnston, etc.

INFO=grep -i %1 \d\cav\grotto\memlist.sgn
	Running 4dos on top of messdos 3.3 as we do here at n5gax, we're still
	limited to 32 MB per logical disk drive.  On a 40 MB drive, we had
	8 MB logical drive that had to be used in some manner.  We ended up
	using it as our executable directory, "join"ed to drive C: as \bin.
	"free" isn't smart enough to figure out the details, so this alias
	gives the actual amount free on each logical drive.  It works properly
	if I'm in the \bin directory, but it makes a mess if I happen to be on
	drive A: or B:.  Bulletproof it ain't.

FREE=pu \^*free^join d: /d^*free d:^d:\dos\join d: \bin^po

That's about it.  Here's the file I promised above.  Just remove everything
outside and including the CUT HERE lines, and do a "uudecode filename".

------------- CUT HERE -------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------
begin 600 displayfiles.zoo
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------------- CUT HERE -------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------

I hope that works for you.

					Best o' luck,

DSB100@psuvm.psu.edu (David Barr) (03/24/91)

Here's a few that I love to use:

KILL=global /q del *.bak
FIXD=global /q attrib -h descript.ion
SETAL*IAS=alias /r c:\4dos30\aliases
EDAL*IAS=vi c:\4dos30\aliases
ATZ=echo atz>com1
BACK=set tempcwd=%_cwd:chdir %oldcwd:set oldcwd=%tempcwd:set tmpcwd
CD=set oldcwd=%_cwd:*chdir %1
CALC=echo Answer=%@eval[%&]
LESS=list /s

KILL and FIXD are great right before running Norton SD
EDAL/SETAL are invaluable when perfecting aliases
ATZ is handy for those frequent comm problems
. is great for those used to Unix
the CD/BACK combo is great all the time
CALC was inspired by a VM Rexx program
LESS is the best approximation to the Unix one I can't live without


stevek@hp-ptp.HP.COM (Steve Kite) (03/25/91)

While we are talking about 4Dos and aliases, what happened to the book
that was suppose to come out about 4Dos??

bcc@Eyring.COM (Brian Cooper) (03/30/91)

In article <14010004@hp-ptp.HP.COM> stevek@hp-ptp.HP.COM (Steve Kite) writes:
>While we are talking about 4Dos and aliases, what happened to the book
>that was suppose to come out about 4Dos??
 If you are 
 If you mean Shareware Plus Featuring 4DOS, it is out.   I just got a copy
 from the Library of Computer & Information Sciences.  I haven't read very
 much, but it looks very interesting.  It has a copy of the Shareware
 version of the software, but the price of the book doesn't include the
 shareware fee -- which seems a bit odd to me.  One buys the book, tries
 out the software in the back, and if it is useful, sends in the registration
 to the shareware author.  Doesn't the shareware author get anything from
 the sale of the book?
 Brian Cooper