[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] need help with "Multitech model POPULAR 500" ?!?!?!?

v087mxgb@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Shawn E Thompson) (04/01/91)


anyone ever hear of the above??

I am trying to upgrade this for a friend of mine ....

its a weird beast: runs MS-DOS and *SEEMS* like a true 
clone, but the M/B is non-existent - the BUS (8-bit) is
the only M/B there is, then there is a CPU/CGA card that
plugs into that, an I/O card and a FD controller...............

I want to add an 8-bit mem exp board and a HD controller 
card....any poor sap ever encounter one of these....


Shawn E. Thompson                         | CAD Engineering       (716)891-3375
v087mxgb@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu             | Leica, Incorporated
University @ Buffalo                      | PO Box 123
Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering | Buffalo, NY 14240-0123