[net.ham-radio] More DX Info


40 Meters has been lots of fun lately, with the FT8X station (FT8XA and
FT8XB apparently share a station) being workable from Massachusetts both
long and short path.  There has not been a whole lot going on in the
morning, though.

The big news around here is the DL9ON/S9 and DK9DX/S9 (I may have those
calls wrong, I'm working without notes) expedition.  They have been on
20 CW at 14025, and 20 SSB at 14195 listening 14200-14215.  There was
some question as to whether they would have permission to operate on the
low bands.  They have been on 40 meters CW, transmitting at around 7001
and listening up, every evening starting at 2200Z or before.  Last night
they showed up on 80 meters!  I worked them at around 2350Z, and they
were gone by 0030Z.  Not a very big signal, but I won't complain!  They
were working transceive on 3501, and went split when the pile-up got

Also, FT8XB finally showed up on 80.  He was transceive on 75 meters,
3795 at around 0100Z a couple days ago.  Needless to say, it was a
bit of a mess, especially for those of us without beverages...

N7DF/TT8 has apparently moved into his new quarters.  He was on 160
meters last night.  Or at least the people with the beverages think
so, I couldn't hear him.  I expect to hear him on 80 meters soon.

Conditions on Sunday were excellent, with 15 meters having a SOLID
opening to Europe and Africa.  I worked 5X5GK on 15 meters SSB, and
ZB2EO (for my sixth band) on 15 meters CW.  There was plenty of good
stuff on 20 SSB also, including 9X5, ZD7, and D68.

Next week, starting probably on 22 October, there should be a lot of
activity from Galapagos, HC8.  A group of about 15 operators is setting
up for a CQ WW SSB multi-multi.  I'm one of the operators.  We will
have 4 element monobanders on 10, 15, and 20, a short yagi on 40,
phased verticals on 80, a short (60 to 80 feet) vertical on 160, beverages,
and amplifiers on all bands.  Look for us using our USA callsigns
portable HC8 on CW before the contest, and as HC8X on SSB during the
contest.  QSL via the home call for the portables, and via K8CW for
the HC8X contest QSOs.  We also will try to be active on 10 and 30
meters before the contest.  Please stop by and give us a point in
the contest!

			Paul Young, K1XM