avr@cs.purdue.EDU (Andrew V. Royappa) (04/04/91)
Earlier, I asked how to make games run slower on an IBM PC 386. This was because the delays in the game binaries I had were so small that the games were unplayable. Evidently they had been written with for slower versions of the PC. Here's the summary of responses. They were very useful and I can now play games (unfortunately I've been too busy recently to take advantage of that). I got many responses. Thank you all very much! Andrew ================================================================ 1) There are several utilities that slow down a pc. Some of these are the following, I believe available on Simtel20 (I got mine from a wuarchive.wustl.edu): at-slow3 (shareware) varislow whoapc (from a magazine) 2) Various people have their own slowdown utilities, and offered them to me. I've saved their mail and will forward it to anyone who asks (unless some author requests me not to). 3) Various PC clones have a "turbo" button, or certain keystrokes (e.g. "<alt>-<esc>-+") to dynamically increase or decrease the speed of the PC. However there is no standard mechanism; the actual sequence varies from clone to clone. The PC in our lab has a turbo button but I can't figure out how to use it. The manuals refer to a system program that will slow the system down, with a menu interface, but I can't find the program on the hard disk. 4) The "slow" prgrams may mess up the system clock, requiring a reboot to reset it. 5) When requesting such information, I should have specified the exact make of the PC clone.