[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] hyperdisk

ebu@vipunen.hut.fi (Erik Bunn) (04/05/91)

I picked up the newest version of HyperDisk I could find
(4.something). It announced compability with windows 3.0, but I failed
to make it work. Would someone be kind enough to tell me what I missed
in the manual (if I did..)? I have a 25 MHz 80386 system, started
windows with the specified option (I think it was win /3 or something
close), and added everything relevant to the config.sys line that I
could find.



Erik Bunn				I  
ebu@vipunen.hut.fi			I	"You see, I missed her 
ebu@niksula.hut.fi			I	 terribly..."
ebu@t386.hut.fi				I       "Next time, aim between
f36608s@puukko.hut.fi			I	 the eyes."
(90)  455-1041		(HPY-net)	I	 - Cerebus 
(971) 227-493           occasionally	I