[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] PC game port pinout?

frank@cavebbs.gen.nz (Frank van der Hulst) (04/05/91)

Several people asked, so here they are (why can't they read their manuals,
I ask myself, and if not, how can they read my message???):

DB15S Pin number        Signal Name
1                        +5V
2                        Button 1, joystick 1 
3                        X axiss
4                        GroundB
5                        Ground  
6                        Y axis 
7                        Not Connected
8                        +5V
9                        +5V
10                       Button 1, joystick 2
11                       X axis
12                       Ground
13                       Y axis
14                       Button 2
15                       +5V


Take a walk on the wild side, and I don't mean the Milford Track.
Kayaking: The art of appearing to want to go where your boat is taking you.

u8902741@cs.uow.edu.au (Kiddie) (04/05/91)

While were at it, we might as well go all the way.
If you want to know how to read the data into the computer from the port,
then you have to read ports 200h through 20fh
This is the address of the games port. if anyone else knows of what is
actually at this address please let us know.

To read the port, just do in say debug
	mov	dx,200
	in	al,dx
Then al has the value of the port at 200.
There also is space allocated for a second games port. im not sure if this
is within the same port address. Theres 16 bytes here so i imagine it would
fit quite easily.

 _--_|\      Kevin Withnall   3:712/206.0>Fidonet
/      \     u8902741@wyvern.cs.uow.edu.au
\_.--._/     Wollongong University Australia
      v      Like Chunky bits through the S bend, so are the days of our net.