[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] cshow

depeche@cs.mcgill.ca (Acme Instant Dehydrated Boulder Kit) (04/10/91)

I am trying to find a nice picture viewer which works on my system, and
believe me, it is not an easy task.

I like cshow because it loads everything into memory at once, and doesn't
have to re-read from disk each time I scroll around (unlike VUIMG).
It's problem is that when I am viewing on 640*480*16, and I load a picture
which is bigger than that, the picture gets screwy.

Vpic has problems because I don't have any screen memory and I can't
configure it to load the files into CPU memory. So I can't scroll at all
with this one (or can i?).

Any recommendations? 

thanks in advance...
|S. Alan Ezust		: McGill University School of Computer Science      |
|depeche@cs.mcgill.ca	:	     Montreal, Quebec, Canada		    |