[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] screen blanking

mas35638@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Sleipnir) (04/18/91)

Okay, I'm working on a final project where I'm designing a screen
blanker.  It's no big deal, and I'm sure dozens of you out there 
could do the whole thing in a matter of hours, but this is my 
project and I want to do it myself.  I'm restricting myself to 
VGA only.  I know that I can disable the screen by sending a 0 to
port 3C0h, and supposedly re-enable it by sending it a 20h.  This
alone does not bring the image back.  Where can I get some info 
on this port??  What else do I have to do to bring back the old
picture?  Thanks,

Mike Stangel