[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] C/MS Sound Chips for Sound Blaster

siebert@zetkin.opal (Steffen Siebert) (04/21/91)

In article <16575@chaph.usc.edu> dchun@aludra.usc.edu (Dale Chun) writes:
> Does anyone know where I can pick up the optional C/MS Sound Chips for
> the Sound Blaster at a reasonable rate? Ya, I know I can pay the $30
> from Creative Labs, but someone mentioned in a post that these chips
> are "generic" chips that can be purchased for less than $10. Is this
> true? Does any one have any information concerning these chips? Can I
> get them at Radio Shack? (flames -> /dev/null) Thanks.


I own a Sound Blaster, but i don't know, if my SB have this optional Sound Chips and what they are used for. Can somebody explain me, how i can find out what chips my SB owns and why i should get the optional ones?


Steffen Siebert

s907396@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Miramar [Eugene Mok]) (04/23/91)

siebert@zetkin.opal (Steffen Siebert) writes:

>I own a Sound Blaster, but i don't know, if my SB have this optional Sound Chips and what they are used for. Can somebody explain me, how i can find out what chips my SB owns and why i should get the optional ones?

Have a look at your SB. There should be 2 empty sockets if you don't have 
the CMS chips. Buying and plugging in the chips will give you 12-voice
C/MS stereo music.

Most games that support Adlib also have the option of Soundblaster on it.
Will choosing one or the other make any difference if I have the CMS chips
installed? Is it worth it getting the CMS chips if I only use the SB for
games? Will the CMS option offer additional sound/music together with the
Adlib compatibility of SB?

-----/ _ _ \--------------------------------------------------------------------
     | o o |    Eugene Mok  s907396@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au  (Melbourne OZ)
     \  ^  /                 eugene@pogo.ai.mit.edu       (USA)
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huffman@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Bill Huffman) (04/23/91)

In article <1991Apr22.184115.11017@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au> s907396@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Miramar [Eugene Mok]) writes:
>siebert@zetkin.opal (Steffen Siebert) writes:

>>I own a Sound Blaster, but i don't know, ... CMS Sound Chips and what they 
>>are used for. Can somebody explain me, ... why i should get the optional ones?
>Most games that support Adlib also have the option of Soundblaster on it.
>Will choosing one or the other make any difference if I have the CMS chips
>installed? Is it worth it getting the CMS chips if I only use the SB for
>games? Will the CMS option offer additional sound/music together with the
>Adlib compatibility of SB?
I got an early version of the SB, it had the CMS chips when I bought it.  My 
experience is that few games support CMS.  Those that do also support Adlib 
or SB.  The sound is better when I use the SB (or Adlib) mode.  The question 
is: What do I use the CMS chips for?

P.S. This should not be taken as a flame on SB.  It is GREAT!
Besides Adlib it has the great voice input/output capability.  Many
games (new ones) use the SB voice capability.