[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] 4DOS interfering with resident PC-Shell

mcsmit@watmath.waterloo.edu (Michael C. Smit, Hardware) (04/26/91)

I am having compatibility problems between 4DOS 3.03 and PC-Shell from
PC-Tools V6.  If I try to install the PC-Shell resident with the /RT
switch, then hot key in and try to execute *any* DOS command, I get
an error message of, "Can't save the PC-Shell memory image file.  Requires
600K of disk space to use."  This error is not documented in my manuals.
Besides which, I have over 1 meg free space on the swap drive.
If I load PC-Shell as an application from the DOS prompt, it can execute
any command.

I know it is just the two programs, when PC-Shell is resident.  I've
followed the troubleshooting sections of both manuals, and have succeeded
only in isolating the problem to this.  I would like to be able to hot
key into PC-Shell to execute commands, and I want 4DOS commands (needless
to say, it works fine with COMMAND.COM).

Has anybody duplicated these problems, and found a solution, hopefully in
the configuration?  I've tried different combinations, but nothing seems
to work.  This is on a 8088 with 640K, swapping to hard disk.  Thank you.

"I grok its fullness..."     //\\  Myk  (mcsmit@watmath.uwaterloo.ca)
 "...And its funny always!"  //\\  I disclaim all responsibility...