v136t454@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Yat-Saint Chiang) (04/27/91)
Hi, a friend of mine is going to write a spellchecker, and he wants me to find him the source to any spellchecker so he'll how to write it Soooo, would somebody PLEASE email me the source (any language) to ANY spellchecker? (I already promised him, too late to backout now) thanks the email address is: v136t454@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | oo | | ----- / \ / \ N | | \ / 1 \ | /| lim / /| | 1 \ | | \ | | | | ------ | | | | | | / | ----- | ---+--- | | | ---+--- ----- | | | / | | | | ------ | | | | | | ----- \ N ! / | --- N->oo \ --- | N / | | N=1 \ / \ / | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|