[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] New IBM PC section of coding group

c9106225@wombat.newcastle.edu.au (Matthew McLeod) (05/01/91)

Those of you who once (or still do) used Commodore 64 machines may have
heard of a small coding group called Forty-Two.  Well, I'm looking to start
a PC section of 42 and so I'm looking for people interested in such a project.

The group is at the moment based in Australia, but others are welcome to


Matthew McLeod                                "my God arm-wrestles Kruschev,
(a.k.a. Rasputin)                              eats red meat
c9106225@wombat.newcastle.edu.au               and farts with pride..."
Information Science
University of Newcastle                          Doug Anthony Allstars