[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] DR-DOS - Multitasking

rem@buitc.bu.edu (Robert Mee) (04/11/91)

I read in an article in Infoworld (early April) about a product from 
Digital Research that is a multitasking (and multi-user) version of DR-DOS.
Has anyone heard anything more about it? Also, I am looking for an address
and phone for DRI so that I can get some a update on it's release as well
as a sales brochure or something. Any info is appreciated.


Robert Mee     Boston University Information Technology      (rem@bu-it.bu.edu)

fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) (04/12/91)

rem@buitc.bu.edu (Robert Mee) writes:

>I read in an article in Infoworld (early April) about a product from
>Digital Research that is a multitasking (and multi-user) version of DR-DOS.

        On order for eval.

>Has anyone heard anything more about it? Also, I am looking for an address
>and phone for DRI so that I can get some a update on it's release as well
>as a sales brochure or something. Any info is appreciated.

        Box DRI
        70 Garden Court
        Monterey, CA 93942
        fax (sales) 408-649-8209
        Also both Ingram and Merisel carry the product (and so do we)
Fred Rump              | Home of Brother John Software 
CompuData, Inc.        | SCO Advanced Product Center
10501 Drummond Rd.     | Bang: {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!fred  (800-223-DATA)        Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred@COMPU.COM         (215-824-3000)

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) (04/16/91)

fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) writes:
]rem@buitc.bu.edu (Robert Mee) writes:
]>I read in an article in Infoworld (early April) about a product from
]>Digital Research that is a multitasking (and multi-user) version of DR-DOS.
]        On order for eval.

	I have heard about this too.  I can say that the new Multi-User DOS
is not FlexOS (a real-time protected mode OS from us).  What I can't say has
to be posed as a question:  What other Multi-tasking/Multi-user systems have
we released over the years and what are the impressions/possibilities of
Multi-User DOS being a derivative/direct descendant of one of these...:-?

]>Has anyone heard anything more about it? Also, I am looking for an address
]>and phone for DRI so that I can get some a update on it's release as well
]>as a sales brochure or something. Any info is appreciated.

]        Box DRI
]        70 Garden Court
]        Monterey, CA 93942
]        408-649-8209
]        fax (sales) 408-649-8209

Sorry steve, but here is our c$erve address for Operating Systems...

	alias steve	76703.615@compuserve.com  (Steve McNabb)
John "Frotz" Fa'atuai	frotz@dri.com			(email@domain)
Digital Research, Inc.	uunet!drivax!frotz		(bang!email)
c/o MIS Dept.		(408) 647-6570			(vmail)
80 Garden Court, CompRm	(408) 649-3896			(phone)
Monterey, CA  93940	(408) 646-6248			(fax)
"He who knows does not speak.  He who speaks does not know."
	-- Lao Tzu
"...Me?  I talk a lot!-)"

stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Steven L Wootton) (04/16/91)

In article <AYQ16Z5@dri.com> frotz@dri.com writes:
>fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) writes:
>]rem@buitc.bu.edu (Robert Mee) writes:
>]>I read in an article in Infoworld (early April) about a product from
>]>Digital Research that is a multitasking (and multi-user) version of DR-DOS.
>]        On order for eval.
>	I have heard about this too.  I can say that the new Multi-User DOS
>is not FlexOS (a real-time protected mode OS from us).  What I can't say has
>to be posed as a question:  What other Multi-tasking/Multi-user systems have
>we released over the years and what are the impressions/possibilities of
>Multi-User DOS being a derivative/direct descendant of one of these...:-?

Wow, MP/M for the PC!  :-)

So whatever happened to Concurrent DOS, anyway?  It got pretty good
reviews for a while, and then seemed to vanish.

Steve Wootton

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) (04/18/91)

stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Steven L Wootton) writes:
]In article <AYQ16Z5@dri.com> frotz@dri.com writes:
]>	I have heard about this too.  I can say that the new Multi-User DOS
]>is not FlexOS (a real-time protected mode OS from us).  What I can't say has
]>to be posed as a question:  What other Multi-tasking/Multi-user systems have
]>we released over the years and what are the impressions/possibilities of
]>Multi-User DOS being a derivative/direct descendant of one of these...:-?

]Wow, MP/M for the PC!  :-)


]So whatever happened to Concurrent DOS, anyway?  It got pretty good
]reviews for a while, and then seemed to vanish.

All I have to say is:
	;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;-> ;->

braun@dri.com (Kral) (04/18/91)

In article <1991Apr16.144553.113@en.ecn.purdue.edu> stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Steven L Wootton) writes:
>Wow, MP/M for the PC!  :-)
>So whatever happened to Concurrent DOS, anyway?  It got pretty good
>reviews for a while, and then seemed to vanish.

It didn't vanish.  It's been doing quite well in Europe, where MSDOS is not so
well entrenched.

MDOS is CDOS with DRDOS technology thrown in.  Courtesy of DR/UK.

kral * 408/647-6112 *               ...!uunet!drivax!braun * braun@dri.com
Whoever is calm and sensible
	is insane
		-- Rumi

vcl@mimas.UUCP (Victor C. Limary) (04/19/91)

braun@dri.com (Kral) writes:

> In article <1991Apr16.144553.113@en.ecn.purdue.edu> stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu 
> >
> >Wow, MP/M for the PC!  :-)
> >
> >So whatever happened to Concurrent DOS, anyway?  It got pretty good
> >reviews for a while, and then seemed to vanish.
> >
> It didn't vanish.  It's been doing quite well in Europe, where MSDOS is not s
> well entrenched.
> MDOS is CDOS with DRDOS technology thrown in.  Courtesy of DR/UK.

What exactly is MP/M?  I've heard of MP/M for my Apple II, but that was a 
CP/M clone, and I seriously doubt that it's what you're all talking 
about.  Or is it?

      /       \
     |  O   O  |         Victor Limary
    <|    <    |>        mimas!vcl@bbx.basis.com
     |  _____  |
      \   U   /

fr@compu.com (Fred Rump from home) (04/21/91)

vcl@mimas.UUCP (Victor C. Limary) writes:

>What exactly is MP/M?  I've heard of MP/M for my Apple II, but that was a
>CP/M clone, and I seriously doubt that it's what you're all talking
>about.  Or is it?

You got it. MP/M was based on dividing 64KB up into chunks for 
Multi-programming and memory sharing in a CP/M mode. It was a tough way to 
write code. Most decent software for MP/M was written in assembler, mostly 
Z80, and every last byte counted. It was the good old days where programmers 
still had to worry about efficient code and limited resources.

There are still many systems running both CP/M and MP/M, but mostly overseas.

I'm just glad we now have 32 bit systems with 16MB of RAM and C and real 
databases etc etc and UNIX, of course, but still on a PC.
W. Fred Rump 			office:		   fred.COMPU.COM	
26 Warren St.   	          home:     fred@icdi10.COMPU.COM 
Beverly, NJ. 08010                bang:   ...{dsinc uunet}!cdin-1!icdi10!fred
609-386-6846          "Freude... Alle Menschen werden Brueder..."  -  The Ode

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) (04/22/91)

vcl@mimas.UUCP (Victor C. Limary) writes:
]braun@dri.com (Kral) writes:
]> In article <1991Apr16.144553.113@en.ecn.purdue.edu> stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu 
]> >Wow, MP/M for the PC!  :-)

]> >So whatever happened to Concurrent DOS, anyway?  It got pretty good
]> >reviews for a while, and then seemed to vanish.
]> It didn't vanish.  It's been doing quite well in Europe, where MSDOS is not s
]> well entrenched.
]> MDOS is CDOS with DRDOS technology thrown in.  Courtesy of DR/UK.

]What exactly is MP/M?  I've heard of MP/M for my Apple II, but that was a 
]CP/M clone, and I seriously doubt that it's what you're all talking 
]about.  Or is it?

If your Apple II ran CP/M, then the MP/M for your Apple is probably our
Multi-Program/Monitor (I think that's what the first "M" stands for (any
others remember?  Kral, DaveA?  My history here goes back, but not *that*

It was our first multi-tasking OS (came out just after CP/M 2.2(?)).

fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) (04/22/91)

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) writes:

>If your Apple II ran CP/M, then the MP/M for your Apple is probably our
>Multi-Program/Monitor (I think that's what the first "M" stands for (any

        I always thought CP/M stood for Computer Program/ for Micros.
        Was I wrong all those years?
Fred Rump              | Home of Brother John Software 
CompuData, Inc.        | SCO Advanced Product Center
10501 Drummond Rd.     | Bang: {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!fred  (800-223-DATA)        Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred@COMPU.COM         (215-824-3000)

pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) (04/24/91)

In article <1991Apr22.144451.6016@compu.com> fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) writes:
=        I always thought CP/M stood for Computer Program/ for Micros.
=        Was I wrong all those years?

Yup.  It stands for "Control Program/Monitor."  Horse's mouth!


PS: Did you get to TCF?
Prof. Peter J. Holsberg      Mercer County Community College
Voice: 609-586-4800          Engineering Technology, Computers and Math
UUCP:...!princeton!mccc!pjh  1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690
Internet: pjh@mccc.edu	     Trenton Computer Festival -- 4/20-21/91

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) (04/26/91)

fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) writes:
]frotz@dri.com (Frotz) writes:

]>If your Apple II ran CP/M, then the MP/M for your Apple is probably our
]>Multi-Program/Monitor (I think that's what the first "M" stands for (any

]        I always thought CP/M stood for Computer Program/ for Micros.

When all else fails, find the ancient docs floating around in the

CP/M	:== Control Program for Microprocessors
MP/M	:== Multiprogramming Control Program for Microprocessors

(Source: The CP/M handbook with MP/M, by Rodnay Zaks)
Couldn't find any of my old real CP/M-86 manuals anymore;-)

pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) (04/29/91)

In article <KY6143N@dri.com> frotz@dri.com writes:
=fred@compu.com (Fred Rump) writes:
=]frotz@dri.com (Frotz) writes:
=]>If your Apple II ran CP/M, then the MP/M for your Apple is probably our
=]>Multi-Program/Monitor (I think that's what the first "M" stands for (any
=]        I always thought CP/M stood for Computer Program/ for Micros.
=When all else fails, find the ancient docs floating around in the
=CP/M	:== Control Program for Microprocessors
=MP/M	:== Multiprogramming Control Program for Microprocessors
=(Source: The CP/M handbook with MP/M, by Rodnay Zaks)
=Couldn't find any of my old real CP/M-86 manuals anymore;-)

Hmmmm.  In the "CP/M Operating System Manual" by Digital Research, it
says in the glossary on page 223,
	"CP/M: Control Program for Microcomputers"

Prof. Peter J. Holsberg      Mercer County Community College
Voice: 609-586-4800          Engineering Technology, Computers and Math
UUCP:...!princeton!mccc!pjh  1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690
Internet: pjh@mccc.edu	     Trenton Computer Festival -- 4/20-21/91

frotz@dri.com (Frotz) (05/01/91)

pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) writes:

]In article <KY6143N@dri.com> frotz@dri.com writes:
]=When all else fails, find the ancient docs floating around in the
]=(Source: The CP/M handbook with MP/M, by Rodnay Zaks)
]=Couldn't find any of my old real CP/M-86 manuals anymore;-)

]Hmmmm.  In the "CP/M Operating System Manual" by Digital Research, it
]says in the glossary on page 223,
]	"CP/M: Control Program for Microcomputers"
]	                                ^^^^^^^^^

Your bookshelves must be larger than mine.  I had to throw out my old
CP/M manuals and all the other CP/M-86 manuals a long time ago...;-)

Now, does anyone want to admit how old they were when they first started
working on CP/M?  (I know way off topic, but hey this has been a lot of

pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) (05/01/91)

In article <HRC2TVD@dri.com> frotz@dri.com writes:
=pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) writes:
=]Hmmmm.  In the "CP/M Operating System Manual" by Digital Research, it
=]says in the glossary on page 223,
=]	"CP/M: Control Program for Microcomputers"
=]	                                ^^^^^^^^^
=Your bookshelves must be larger than mine.  I had to throw out my old
=CP/M manuals and all the other CP/M-86 manuals a long time ago...;-)

I skipped CP/M-86!

=Now, does anyone want to admit how old they were when they first started
=working on CP/M?  (I know way off topic, but hey this has been a lot of

No.  :-)

Prof. Peter J. Holsberg      Mercer County Community College
Voice: 609-586-4800          Engineering Technology, Computers and Math
UUCP:...!princeton!mccc!pjh  1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690
Internet: pjh@mccc.edu	     Trenton Computer Festival -- 4/20-21/91