[net.followup] Not a License Plate Joke

lab (03/08/83)

The 'P.O.W.' plates are indeed available in several states to former
prisoners-of-war. I do not know if there are any restrictions as to
which war (WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam). Of further interest, I noticed
in Maryland several DAV#### plates for Disabled American Veterans.
The full list of what's available is surprising ...

genesis (03/09/83)

In Illinois, there is a new license plate for people who belong to the national
guard.  The plate is red, white, and blue, and has a picture of a soldier baring
a gun in kind of a ready to fire possition. The first two letters on the plate
are vertical and state (I believe) N.G. or I.G..  It's the first time I saw one
of these plates anywhere.

Russ Sehnoutka
BTL - Naperville, Ill.

wdr (03/10/83)

Masschussetts has similar National Guard plates.