[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Looking for a prototyping environment under DOS

rtrigg@daimi.aau.dk (Randall Trigg) (05/16/91)

I'm someone with basically no experience on IBM equipment, but
may soon get some.  What I'm wondering is whether people have
recommendation for a prototyping environment of the HyperCard
flavor that can run under MS DOS.  By HyperCard flavor, I mean
that one should be able to build graphic interfaces tailored to
particular applications.  Ideally, there would be a "tailoring"
language like HyperTalk.  Ideally it would also be nice if the
system is not a "black box" - that is, I can couple applications
I build to databases, text editors, spreadsheets, etc.

For example, is Lotus Agenda at all such a thing?  Please send
any replies directly to me at rtrigg@imv.aau.dk as I'm not on
these news lists.

Thanks very much in advance,

     - Randy Trigg

Institute for Information and Media Science
Aarhus University
Randall Trigg
Department of Information and Media Science
Aarhus University
Niels Juelsgade 84