[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] 4DOS vs MSDOS 5.0; Digital by Design

knudsen@cbnewsd.att.com (michael.j.knudsen) (05/24/91)

Someone was asking the other day how to get 4DOS.
I found it for $2.95 on one of those "Digital By Design" racks full
of catchware* that have popped up in drug and hardware stores.
I bought it but haven't tried it yet.
Wonder how up-to-date it is?  Probably have to send in the
shareware fee to get the latest.

*By "catchware" I mean that a lot of the D-by-D stuff is either shareware
that expects you to send in money (OK by me, cheaper than
downloading  off a BBS), or more commonly a demo version that's
either crippled or has major pieces missing (e.g., ALT).
Actually ALT has some useful stuff on the disk.

Those D-by-D disks are a mixed bag.  One disk has two crappy games
(act like they were in BASIC) and one great PacMan game.
The language-practice disks are 1981-vintage BASIC, but still worth
the $3 apiece.  Anyone else have comments on these goodies?
"What America needs is A Thousand Points When Lit..."


dhf@marie.mitre.org (David H. Friedman) (05/25/91)

.  The latest version of 4dos is 3.03, as of recently.