[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] PostScript Drivers WANTED PLEASE

gonzalm@prism.cs.orst.edu (Mario Gonzales) (05/25/91)

Can ANYONE tell me where I can find, or send me (if possible) postscript
drivers for MS Works and Lotus 123.

Any Help I appreciated and Thanked in Advance,

Mario L. Gonzales

| Mario L. Gonzales |    gonzalm@prism.cs.orst.edu  <HOME>  | Oregon State   |
| Wilson Hall #311  |    gonzalm@mist.cs.orst.edu           | Univeristy     |
| Corvallis, OR     +---------------------------------------|================|
| 97331-1413        |    A Liberal is a man too broadminded | University     |
|                   |    to take his own side in a quarrel. | Computing      |
|-------------------+                                       | Services (UCS) |
| IBM PC & MAC      | There are only two side to every      |----------------|
| Literate :-}      | question: my side and the wrong side. | Kerr Comp. Lab | 