[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Epson LQ 510 not as good as old LQ500

singer@uwovax.uwo.ca (05/31/91)

I have just had experience with the new Epson 510LQ, which was to replace my
LQ 500. The assumed advantages were, non-paper wasting, and ability to easily
run a single sheet without removing other paper and puttering around with
hardware. I just returned it and got my good old 500 back. The 510 is pretty
plasticky. It is a push rather than pull tractor; and thus far, that was ok.
But just look at the output. Fuzzy letter quality in certain fonts--not massive
but just enough to notice the dots in Roman; but worse than that, look at the
draft quality letters. The 'e' is virtually closed, and resembles a figure 8,
and is dirty inside. None of the letters is as clean as the draft font on the
old 500. ou read draft all day you will appreciate my point. Has anybody els
else noted this or done any kind of comparison? One assumes that a newer
computer with a higher number is better; but Epson is trying to reach a mass
market with a slicked up printer with less quality, in my opinion. Better to
waste sheets and not waste eyes. Perhaps the 850 LQ is the answer. Any further
Ben Singer                                      Department of Sociology      
                                                University of Western Ontario
Singer@uwo.ca                                   London, Ontario
Singer@uwovax.bitnet                            N6A 5C2
                                                (519) 660-0671  (home)
                                                (519) 679-2111   Ext 5137