[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] help with packet drivers, please

jrd@cc.usu.edu (06/01/91)

In article <1991May22.171543.1404@gumby.dsd.TRW.COM>, feb@gumby.dsd.TRW.COM (Frank Bien) writes:
> I recently picked up a copy of DIS_PKT.DOS from usu via
> anon ftp. It looks like something which can solve (at least in 
> part) my problems. I could use some advise. 
> I have a Zenith 286 machine (3 mb RAM) windows 3.0, etc.
> I am trying to run a variety of networking programs over a single 
> Western Digital Ethernet Card (WD8003e), but am having little luck 
> running them all without rebooting when I change between them.
> Running (or at least trying to):
> 	NCSA Telnet 2.3 beta something
> 		-- uses its own internal packet drivers
> 	qvtnet (new May 91 version) which may replace ncsa_telnet
> 		-- uses clarkson packet driver
> 	XVISION X-windows for windows
> 		-- uses FTP Software packet driver
> 	FTP Software -- use some of their utils, but no TNVT or FTP
> 		-- uses FTP Sofware drivers
> 	IBM's pc local area network (v1.3)
> 		-- uses Western Digital's netbios driver
> The object is to have a package to log into various hosts 
> (XWindows), a package to use when I don't want to wait for 
> XWindows on my slow pc and to FTP back to my pc (qvtnet or 
> ncsa_telnet), and a package to network 5 or 6 pc's together 
> (preferably each as servers) -- IBM's LAN package (hey, it was 
> free -- we had several extra packages).
> Right now, I start my machine and default to the clarkson packet 
> drivers so I can run qvtnet.  If I want to run XWindows or IBM LAN 
> i have to modify the config.sys and autoexec, shutting of the old 
> driver and turning on the new, and then reboot (what a pain in the 
> ass).  
> Any advise or assistance on how to run these packages in "peace 
> and harmony" would be greatly appreciated.  I couldn't get dis_pkt 
> to work, will it do what I want?  If so what would the config.sys 
> and protocol.ini look like?
> thanks for any help,
> Frank Bien
> feb@gumby.dsd.trw.com
> (213) 812-5072
> e-mail please
	Two points on your troubles.
1. You need a more recent version of DIS_PKT. v1.07 is available from
NETLAB.USU.EDU in directory [.NETWATCH]. Then you won't
need a full Packet Driver per se.
2. Windows plays havoc with just about all communications programs,
particularly those using a local area network board. You will have to do
some experimenting to find a workable combination (hint: load all the
networking stuff before starting Windows, or load everything in a single
window and don't let other windows use those pieces).
	Joe D.