[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] DOS 5.0 Comments Requested

singer@uwovax.uwo.ca (06/14/91)

Has anybody yet had experience with DOS 5.0 ("upgrade"). Some of its features
seem to overlap with those of various utilities but two that are of interest
are its provision of extra usable memory and task switching. In any case, it
was just released in Canada, and I thus assume that it has been out in the
States for awhile and by now there ought to be some evaluations. Comments
Ben Singer                                      Department of Sociology      
                                                University of Western Ontario
Singer@uwo.ca                                   London, Ontario
Singer@uwovax.bitnet                            N6A 5C2
                                                (519) 660-0671  (home)
                                                (519) 679-2111   Ext 5137