[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] WANTED: GWBasic Compiler

jgodfrey@zeus.calpoly.edu (Jon David "JET" Godfrey) (06/14/91)

A friend of mine is searching for a GWBasic compiler system so he doesn't
have to load the basic every time he runs one of his home-brew programs.  He
thought it was available somewhere on the NET.  Does anyone know where I can
find it or locate another program that will do the same.

:: Jon D. Godfrey                /// a.k.a. The JET              ::
:: jgodfrey@demeter.CalPoly.edu /// sysop, The Flight Deck BBS   ::
::                          \\\/// Amiga, Atari ST, Adult Files  ::
:: J&J Enterprises Software  \XX/ (805) 541-3538  -F8N1-         ::