[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Qemm386 and Amstrad 386 - How?

klox@otago.ac.nz (06/17/91)

Quarterdeck are being their usual helpfull selves - not answering questions

so: - 
Does anyone have any tips for getting Qemm386 to run on Amstrad 386 machines.
We have:
     Amstrad PC 2386   640k base memory
                      3456k extended memory
                        64k cache
     Dos v4.01
     Qemm386 v5.12

I can not get it to work reliably. Usually it locks up as Qemm loads. 

It seems that the device=qemm386 line is position sensitive in config.sys. 
It always locks up if that is the first device=line. 

Any assistance appreciated.


    00      Martin Cox                        
    0000    Computing Services Centre         E-mail   klox@otago.ac.nz
     00     University of Otago               Tel      +64 3 479 8531   
            Dunedin                           Fax      +64 3 479 8577 
    000     New Zealand
  000       I Am A Bear Of Very Little Brain, And Long Words Bother Me