[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Ghostscript

nsus_cif@troi.cc.rochester.edu (Nicholas Leon Susch) (11/03/90)

Pardon me if this has already been asked, but I am looking for the
program called "GhostScript" put out by GNU. I can find the sources
everywhere, but can't get them to compile. Since it says it works on an
IBM PC, I "assume" that someone somewhere has compiled it and goten it to
work. What I want to know is, are the "executables/binaries" ftp-able from
anywhere? Thanks for any info.

"And when I have understanding    |   /\/ick Susch - University of Rochester
 of computers, I will be the      |   nsus_cif@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
               supreme being!"    |   nsus_cif@uordbv.bitnet
  - Evil (from "Time Bandits")    |   ... !rochester!ur-cc!nsus_cif

besner@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Ken Seergobin) (04/23/91)

If you have had any experience with ghostscript,
please contact me by e-mail.
	I am able to display the postscript files
	that were included with the programme but,
	I am unable to display third party files.


xiaofei@acsu.buffalo.edu (X. F. Wang) (06/16/91)

/* ins845b@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au (mr  k.l. lentin) wrote */:
* I have downloaded the new copy of ghostscript 2.2 from simtel20 and it
* won't run. It gives some funny error about a bad command -!7 

prep.ai.mit.edu :/pub/gnu/ghostscript* is a definite place to down load 
ghostscript. If one uses the binary file for msdos, one has to put
main distribution on c:\gs22 and fonts on c:\gs22\fonts. 

Generally I am very pleased with ghostscript 2.2. However the following
small postscript file causes hp laserjet 3 without a cartridge to be out of
memory. I have 4 MB memory installed on the laser printer. It will print on
lps40 of DEC connected with mainframe though. Could someone tell me what 
problem it is?

% This is the common imageable area of vga, laserjet, lps40. 
10 20 moveto  % llx: 10  lly: 20  
/x 560 def    % urx: 570 
/y 750  def   % ury: 770
x 0 rlineto
0 y rlineto
x neg 0 rlineto
0 y neg rlineto
% ----------- some macros --------------------------------
/inch {72 mul} def       % definition of inch
/cm   {28.35 mul} def    % definition of inch
/centershow                     % cnter a string at currentpoint.
{ dup stringwidth               % to use: x y moveto ( string ) centershow
  exch 2 div neg exch
  rmoveto show } def
/labelfontsize 20 def
/labelfont {/Helvetica findfont labelfontsize scalefont setfont} def
/xname ( Time (sec.) ) def
/yname ( Ln [ Pressure (m torr) ] ) def
/title ( Pressure Increase with Time ) def
15 cm 7 cm translate 90 rotate
0 0 moveto
/ixmin 0 def /ixmax 40.0 def /nx 5 def  % max. min. x and y values
/iymin 3.5 def /iymax 4.5 def /ny 5 def  % and number of div in x and y axies
/alpha 1 def  % alpha is scale factor, default: 1
/deltax 15 cm alpha div def     % default x dim
/deltay 12 cm alpha div def     % default y dim
deltax 0 rlineto  % these 4 lines draws a box of deltax by deltay
0 deltay rlineto
deltax neg 0 rlineto
0 deltay neg rlineto
/stepxcm deltax nx div def % cal x tick mark spacing in cm
/stepycm deltay ny div def % cal y tick mark spacing in cm
/tick 0.3 cm alpha div def % define the length of tick mark
0 stepxcm deltax { 0 moveto 0 tick rlineto stroke } for
0 stepxcm deltax { deltay moveto 0 tick neg rlineto stroke } for
0 stepycm deltay { 0 exch moveto tick 0 rlineto stroke } for
0 stepycm deltay { deltax exch moveto tick neg 0 rlineto stroke } for
% above 4 lines draw tick marks
/stepxvalue ixmax ixmin sub nx div def % tick mark spacing in value
/stepyvalue iymax iymin sub ny div def
/tempstr 10 string def % a temperary string for use
0 1 nx 
      {dup stepxcm mul -1 cm moveto  % where to moveto
       stepxvalue mul ixmin add     % x value
       tempstr cvs centershow} for   % write x value
% this is to write x lable
0 1 ny 
      {dup stepycm mul labelfontsize 3 div sub -1.25 cm exch moveto 
% move the label 1/3 of the fontsize to make it centered at currentpoint
       stepyvalue mul iymin add 
       tempstr cvs centershow} for
% this is to write y lable
deltax 2 div deltay 1.5 cm add moveto   % move to 
title centershow                        % write title
deltax 2 div -2.0 cm moveto % move to 
xname centershow            % write Xname
90 rotate % to write text vertically, one needs rotate
deltay 2 div 2.5 cm moveto % move to
yname centershow           % write yname
-90 rotate % get back to normal
/xpoint { ixmin sub deltax mul ixmax ixmin sub div } def
/ypoint { iymin sub deltay mul iymax iymin sub div } def
0.0 xpoint 3.648147612953137 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
5.0 xpoint 3.746039150751546 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
10.0 xpoint 3.843930688549954 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
15.0 xpoint 3.941822226348362 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
23.0 xpoint 4.098448686825816 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
25.0 xpoint 4.137605301945180 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
30.0 xpoint 4.235496839743588 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
35.0 xpoint 4.333388377541996 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke
40.0 xpoint 4.431279915340405 ypoint 5 0 360 arc stroke

w8sdz@rigel.acs.oakland.edu (Keith Petersen) (06/16/91)

ins845b@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au (mr  k.l. lentin) wrote:
> I have downloaded the new copy of ghostscript 2.2 from simtel20 and it
> won't run. It gives some funny error about a bad command -!7 

Did you send a message to the person who uploaded it to SIMTEL20?  If
you don't know who uploaded it send e-mail to me and I'll tell you.
Give the uploader a chance to tell you what's wrong before you tell
the whole world that the version on SIMTEL20 doesn't work.  It does
work.  Nate spent a lot of time configuring and testing it for many
different video displays and printers.  Perhaps the real problem is
that you don't have the right fonts.  Nate just uploaded four large
ZIPs of fonts for GS212.  Watch comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d for an
announcement later today.

One of the reasons that I repost uploader's announcements instead of
creating the announcement under my name is to make it easy for users
to use the "r" (reply) key to send e-mail to the uploader if there is
a question or a problem.  Please remember there *is* a difference
between "r" and "f".  The reply gives the uploader a chance to help
you by e-mail.  The "f" (follow-up) tells the whole world.  When there
is a problem *I* want to hear about it.

As the famous sign in the old corner store says:

   If you like our [products|work|service], tell others.
   If you don't, tell us.
Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the MSDOS, MISC and CP/M archives at SIMTEL20 []
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!umich!vela!w8sdz                          BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND

axa12@po.CWRU.Edu (Ashok Aiyar) (06/17/91)

You can find Ghostscript (along with source code) at
prep.ai.mit.edu in the directory /pub/gnu

Ashok Aiyar