[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Telling HIMEM about UMBs?

jan@nasobem.stgt.sub.org (Jan Schiefer) (06/18/91)


it is often mentioned that some software uses UMBs, but only on 386s
with a memory manager a la QEMM. But in my machine (286) I've got
physical memory in the segments C000 and D000 on a seperate RAM board.
I would like to set up this memory as UMBs. Is there any way of telling
HIMEM about it?
Or are there other programs to manage this memory as UMBs?

Thanx for your help!


Jan Schiefer, Degerlocherstr. 5, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, jan@nasobem.stgt.sub.org
   "The bus transceiver controls, DALI and DALO, are used to control the
      bus transceivers."   - AM7990 LANCE technical reference manual