[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Programming PC Speaker

mir@opera.chorus.fr (Adam Mirowski) (06/20/91)

In article <2734.284c20a4@verifone.com>, ash_t1@verifone.com writes:

%%   I am intereted in programming the speaker for generating different
%% frequencies. (on PC/AT on MS-DOS!)  Can somebody give me  a few pointers of how
%% to go about this ? I use Microsoft C 6.0A and would appreciate if someone could
%% tell me how  to go about in MS-C. 

Some years ago I needed to drive the PC speaker in assembly,
so I took Turbo Pascal (3.0!), wrote a simple program using
the Sound and Nosound calls (I hope the names are right),
compiled it, then disassembled using DOS debug. Now with the
symbolic possibilities of modern debuggers you only need a
couple of minutes to get a listing of these routines.
Why didn't uSoft provide them? (didn't they really?)
Good luck! (I hope you know the 8086 machine language.)
Adam Mirowski,  mir@chorus.fr (FRANCE),  tel. +33 (1) 30-64-82-00 or 74
Chorus systemes, 6, av.Gustave Eiffel, 78182 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines CEDEX