[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Invalid Drive Type Number, says Norton Disk Doctor

a3@rivm39.rivm.nl (Adri Verhoef) (06/27/91)

When I run the Norton Disk Doctor, it presents to me the following message:

  Hard Disk 1 appears to have an Invalid Drive Type Number.
  Please exit at this time and VERIFY that the CMOS drive type
  is valid by opening your machine and reading the drive type number
  located on the drive.  Then run SETUP to change.
  See the Disk Type Table in the Norton Trouble Shooter.

Is a drive type number the same as a disk type number?
Well, I have specified my disk type number as 49 (not predefined)
in SETUP, and filled in the blanks, I have DOS up and running,
the Norton Disk Doctor is able to continue to check the disk,
but this message annoys me.  Disk types 1-45 are predefined,
but none of them represents my disk partition, so I used disk type 49.
Is that so wrong?  Is the Norton Trouble Shooter a file or a booklet?