bucacs@ux1.cts.eiu.edu (Carlos Dragonslayer Butler) (06/28/91)
I heard this morning on FNN (or was it CNBC, who
cares?) that the deal between IBM and Apple (for those
who don't know, IBM wanted and operating systems from
Apple, and Apple wanted IBM's microprocessor) that was
supposed to be finalized this morning has fallen through
due to resistance within Apple to using IBM parts.
An IBM and Apple venture would've have been a hell
of a collaboration, don't cha think?
Carlos Dragonslayer Butler| "People often condescend
bucacs@ux1.cts.eiu.edu | what they fail to comprehend.
Lord of House | Ignorance makes life easier.
| Peace, knowledge, love and happiness."
jbruner@hydra3b.cs.utk.edu (James Bruner) (06/28/91)
The deal probably fell through because of IBM's insistance that Apple use IBM's RISC processor for their workstation whereas Apple is leaning toward the 50 MIPS Motorola 88100 RISC processor. Additionally, this was not a deal but merely talks between the two computer makers. IBM is interested in portions if the Mac OS to use in OS/2 where Apple is interested in IBM's networking prowess and the named pipes used in OS/2. Further, Apple accepted IBM as an OEM for SCSI drives in some Mac models. It would have been a hell of a combination. All of the above information can be found in the last 4 issues of PC Week and Info World magazines. ---- James Bruner Student, University of Tennessee
bucacs@ux1.cts.eiu.edu (Carlos Dragonslayer Butler) (06/29/91)
Wait! It gets better! I read yesterday (I can't remeber
the source) where some high-ranking Apple official claimed that
Apple was going to become a OS company that just happened to
make hardware.
That almost sounds like giving up. Has the Mac death knell
been sounded? I guess we'll wait and see...
Carlos Dragonslayer Butler| "People often condescend
bucacs@ux1.cts.eiu.edu | what they fail to comprehend.
Lord of House | Ignorance makes life easier.
| Peace, knowledge, love and happiness."