[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] MSDOS v5.0 and 4DOS Together???

nyet@nntp-server.caltech.edu (n liu) (06/30/91)

mikes@apd.mentorg.com (Mike Stanbro) writes:

>I just installed DOS v5.0.  I am an avid user of the "4DOS" command
>interpreter.  I tried out the combination of v5.0 and 4DOS last night and
>it seemed to work just fine.  I haven't used it enough to be feel very
>confident yet.  Has anyone encountered any problems with the combination of
>the two?

No problems here... Except 4dos doesn't know loadhigh or lh is an internal
command, so command /c is needed. This will be fixed real soon, no doubt.

russell@spdcc.COM (Tim Russell) (06/30/91)

In article <1991Jun29.225241.3128@nntp-server.caltech.edu> nyet@nntp-server.caltech.edu (n liu) writes:
>No problems here... Except 4dos doesn't know loadhigh or lh is an internal
>command, so command /c is needed. This will be fixed real soon, no doubt.

    Quite soon, most probably, since NDOS, the version of 4dos that comes
with Norton 6.0, has the loadhigh command builtin and in the help file.

\TR/   Tim Russell                          "Homo sum, et nihil humanum
 \/    russell@ursa-major.spdcc.com          a me alienum puto" - Terrence