(Nick Jagger) (08/21/90)
This is a repost we have been having problems with news and netaccess recently, sorry if it duplicates. I am having problems with Paradox 386 using the Data Entry Toolkit when using lookupselect or popup the program crashes out with the following message: Abnormal program termination : Memory Protection fault CS:EIP=000C:00010DAB I am running on a IBM PS/2 Model 70 under DOS V4.0 and all I can get from the UK support desk is that this is caused by a program such as a TSR running in virtual mode while paradox 386 is in real mode. However, this problem occurs when I have no TSR's apart from IBM's CACHE, FASTOPEN and MOUSE running. I have even tried running the program having removed the autoexec.bat and having a config.sys that only has a files and a buffers command. I have tried using -kswap 40 which doesn't help either. Does anyone know what is happening . My paranoid belief is that some of my memory chips are fauty or that a virus that virusscan does not catch is lose on my system. I would like to keep the contents of my autoexec.bat and config.sys files as they are, given the other programs I use. Nick Jagger, SPRU, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK from the UK from abroad