[comp.os.msdos.apps] ATEX --> WordPerfect?

wb8foz@mthvax.cs.miami.edu (David Lesher) (09/15/90)

In <Sep.> dblack@pilot.njin.net (David Alan Black) writes:

>Does anyone know of a means of converting ATEX files to WordPerfect, or to
>a format ultimately convertible to WordPerfect (IBM version)?

In a more general sense, I've looked in vain for conversion programs
between markup-style [I hope that is the correct term] formats such as
runoff, nroff, etc and the WYSIWUG genus. Such programs do not seem to

I'm not sure why this is. Is the task THAT hard, or is it just
lack of demand? 

BTW, my use would be to extract 'man' pages and print them on a
PeeCee with a HPLJ. I found a PD dos version of nroff once,
but it did not output ^L's, vital to the LJ.

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