(Jim Bittman) (11/28/90)
I seem to remember seeing some ads recently about PC add-in hardware and software for a Voice Mail system. We're unhappy with our current voice mail service (it goes down alot, short messages, limited space, etc.). If anyone knows of companies or products, I would be very grateful. I will gladly post summaries if there is interest. Thanks! Jim Bittman, (Chad A. Bersche) (11/29/90) (Jim Bittman) writes: >I seem to remember seeing some ads recently about PC add-in hardware >and software for a Voice Mail system. We're unhappy with our current >voice mail service (it goes down alot, short messages, limited space, >etc.). >If anyone knows of companies or products, I would be very grateful. >I will gladly post summaries if there is interest. If I recall correctly, there was something very similar to what you are apparently looking for outlined in one of the most recent DAK catalog. I believe it was an add-in board for a PC that had a modem, and voice messaging capability (for up to 999 mailboxes I believe). Unfortunately, I don't have the number with me right now, but if you would be interested in something like this, I'm sure I can get the number for you. Hope this helps you in your search. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chad A. Bersche Univ. of Arkansas Fayetteville CSEG Look, would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now? - Arthur Dent (John Hritz) (11/29/90)
The folks you may be looking for are called the Compleat PC. These guys sell fax boards, scanners and voice mail systems. Check the advertisers index of Byte or PC Magazine. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= John I. Hritz Photons have mass?! I didn't know they 313-930-9126 were catholic! (Marshall Barry) (12/06/90)
In article <> (Jim Bittman) writes: >I seem to remember seeing some ads recently about PC add-in hardware >and software for a Voice Mail system. We're unhappy with our current >voice mail service (it goes down alot, short messages, limited space, >etc.). > >If anyone knows of companies or products, I would be very grateful. >I will gladly post summaries if there is interest. > >Thanks! There are two (relatively) inexpensive systems with which _I_ am familiar. Watson and CAM Of the two, CAM (The "Complete Answering Machine") seems to be the better of the two, most flexible, and best supported. It also integrates into the "Complete Fax" product, its scanner, etc. They're based out of (I think) Sunnyvale, but I don't have the docs in front of me at the moment. Oh, what do *I* use (grin)? I use an obsolete board called (yep) SAM (The Smart Answering Machine). You can't get it any more... // Mb // -- -/-------------------------------------------------------------------------\- | <> is also <Marshall.Barry@z1.n104.f169.FidoNet.Org> | | [Which goes to prove that Gateways (sometimes) Really Work] | | "If you're going to (mis)quote me, at least SPELL my NAME correctly!" |
ericr@hp-vcd.HP.COM (Eric Ross) (12/11/90)
The Switchboard product from DAK appears to be a version of the CAM product(at least it has a message that says "checking CAM database") Eric Ross