Dear group: I am not sure if this violates network etiquette, but I just got a flyer from Microrim about their RBase 3.1 database program. They have an offer, good until March 29, in which RBase is available for $195.00 to anyone who can show that they already own a competitor's product (e.g. dBase, Paradox, FoxBase). They have a toll-free number 1-800-248-2001 to accept orders by credit card. Proof of ownership of a competitive product can be as simple as reading a page out of the owners manual or faxing a page to them at 1-206-746-9350. I haven't tried this myself, so you may want to call the 800-number to get details. It's a great deal on their database, if you want to switch or upgrade to it, since the MSRP is $795 and the street price is around $400. By the way, this offer comes with a 90-day guarantee as well. Daniel Kim