[comp.os.msdos.apps] Ami Pro printing w/out graphics mode? Please?

fscll@acad3.alaska.edu (04/01/91)

I am trying to print to a panasonic 24 pin printer with Ami-Pro,
and all of my printing goes to the printer in graphics mode (ie
SLOW AND UNNECESSARY). I don't nbeed this in first drafts, etc,
and I can not get it to go out. If I choose draft in set-up it
comes out the same. How can I get it to print using the printers
default print/s????

|  Christopher L. Lott  --- Poet and Pauper                |
|  fscll@alaska                | "... what we are outlaws  |_____
|  fscll@acad3.alaska.edu      | all extrapolation beyond       |
 ------------------------------| The interval of here and now"  |