(Alexei H. Sacks) (04/04/91)
I have two questions about memory management software: 1) Is there a difference between what QEMM and 386Max do? Do I need both or is QEMM enough? (I am using an Intel 129 with 512K base memory which requires some kind of software fix.) 2) While using QEMM to get 640K base memory, I ran into problems with a Banshee (DSP) board installed in the computer. The board was set to memory location C800 and at least 16K above, but QEMM said that was used for High RAM and unavailable. The hardware was not recognized by its software with QEMM but it was without it, so I know this is the problem. I have not been able to figure out how to change the memory window to C800. Is this possible? Suggestions? Thanks in advance. Please respond to, or to the bboard if there is general interest. Thanks again. --Alexei