[net.ham-radio] Fix your Bearcat 250 now or never

parnass@ihu1h.UUCP (Bob Parnass, AJ9S) (01/08/86)

     Been procrastinating about	getting	your broken  Bearcat
     250 scanner repaired?  You	had better do it quickly, or
     else it may be impossible to fix.

     I've been asked to	repair a few defective Bearcat	250s
     with  the	same  complaint:   the LED display is blank,
     except for	a single decimal point in  the	lower  right
     hand  corner.   This  usually  means  something  in the
     switching power supply chain is defective.

     Part of this chain	contains IC6, an Exar NC57902 custom
     divider chip, Electra part	#NC57-902.  Uniden just	dis-
     continued this part, so I couldn't	repair the last	 250
     in	for service.

     Just before this custom IC	was discontinued, a quantity
     of	 these	ICs  were  bought  by  an authorized Bearcat
     repair agent, Electronic  Repair  Center,	in  Franklin
     Park,  Illinois.	This  facility	won't  sell  Bearcat
     parts, but	they will repair your  scanner	for  a	flat

     It's already too late for those of	you wishing  factory
     service  for  your	 BC101,	 Bearcat's first synthesized
     scanner.  Bearcat will not	service	 this  unit  as	 the
     main  CPU,	 a custom IC, is no longer available.  Luck-
     ily, the last BC101 I repaired (on	the  morning  of  my
     wedding) had a good CPU.

Bob Parnass,  Bell Telephone Laboratories - ihnp4!ihu1h!parnass - (312)979-5414

djt@houxk.UUCP (#D.TRULLI) (01/08/86)

I also have a Bearcat 210 with a bad IC6. Uniden
told me that the part was unavailable but they
would send a form for a 50% discount on a
new scanner. I received the form and found these
prices to be no bargin. The ads in QST
match or beat these prices. So lets thank
Bearcat Uniden for leaving us old customers 
out in the cold.

	Dave Trulli NN2Z