fechuny@itsgw.rpi.edu (felix chung yau) (02/18/91)
Subject: Re: Procomm + 2.0 Script execution problems Summary: Script file does not drop DTR when switching com ports Expires: References: <1991Feb13.030916.10963@novell.com> <5605@bwdls58.UUCP> <91047.222138IO92203@MAINE.BITNET> Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY Keywords: I recently upgraded to Procomm+ 2.0. While the new features in version 2.0 are nice, I have encountered a problem when running a script file. The script file switches from com3 to com1 and then connects to the data link I have setup. The problem is that procomm does not drop the DTR signal on the com3 port and as a result the script does not work. The same is true when going from com1 to com3. I thought it could be something in my setup but no change in the setup fixed it. I did notice, however, that doing a manual port switch by using Alt-P does drop the DTR properly. Since the script file scheme to switch ports worked on version 1.1b I can't help but wonder if it is the software. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks.
mramaswa@athena.mit.edu (Malini Ramaswamy) (04/05/91)
Does anyone know of a good application program for making viewgraphs... analagous to Power Point on the Mac? Also how about recommendations for a general Drawing/Graphics package...like Claris-Cad on the Mac?
keyush@castor.cis.ksu.edu (Keyush_Kumar D Shah ) (05/04/91)
My friend in India wants to know the names and addresses of vendors who supply TCP/IP for MS-DOS. He is Chief Scientist at Physical Research Laboratory,and wants to connect PCs and Apollo workstations along with DEC minis in a network(ethernet). If anybody has this information please mail to keyush@cis.ksu.edu Or you may contact him directly,through E-mail. Dr.B.R.Sitaram brsram@prl.ernet.in Thanks in advance. keyush shah keyush@cis.ksu.edu Kansas State University Manhattan,KS 66606
kslee@athena.mit.edu (Kenneth S. Lee) (06/21/91)
Anyone know if dos 5.0 supports hd's with more than 1024 cylinders?
burgoyne@eng.umd.edu (John R. Burgoyne) (06/23/91)
In article <1991Jun20.235254.2233@athena.mit.edu> kslee@athena.mit.edu (Kenneth S. Lee) writes: >Anyone know if dos 5.0 supports hd's with more than 1024 cylinders? From the July 1991 BYTE, pg. 36, column 2: "The INT13 interface hasn't changed, so DOS still doesn't know what to do with disks that have more than 1024 cylinders." Robert
hargrove@asc.slb.com (Jim Hargrove) (06/24/91)
>>>>> burgoyne@eng.umd.edu (John R. Burgoyne) writes: > In article <1991Jun20.235254.2233@athena.mit.edu> kslee@athena.mit.edu (Kenneth S. Lee) writes: >Anyone know if dos 5.0 supports hd's with more than 1024 cylinders? > From the July 1991 BYTE, pg. 36, column 2: "The INT13 interface hasn't > changed, so DOS still doesn't know what to do with disks that have > more than 1024 cylinders." > Robert This looks like a good candidate for the FAQ. -- -- jwh